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Whats the Most Dangerous Job Ever? – Boston Equator

This is a risk if you seriously consider it. Electricians can be at risk from live wires. retailers are prone to violent robbery, and government workers face the threat of being targeted. Every occupation, but which is the most dangerous in the first place? This video details 10 jobs that thrill seekers must be extremely cautious about.

The most risky jobs to think of are the ones known to be most dangerous. For instance, underwater welders are faced with a myriad of risk when they do their task. To avoid accidents the workers must be careful when using their equipment. Loggers face trees that could become blocked in a matter of seconds. Loggers must have a precise approach to make sure that a tree is cut exactly according to their specifications. Bull riding is among the most dangerous careers. The unpredictable nature of bulls. If you feel it is hard to do your job take a look at the other people that work in these sectors!
