Why Do Daycare Services Cost So Much? – E-Library
A lot of homes have both parents with full-time jobs to earn sufficient resources to support the family and to fulfill their personal needs. Yet, child care services can be costly in and of themselves. The truth is, daycare providers rarely offer that amount of money. What’s the secret behind this?
The annual cost for childcare within the United States is $10,000. There are some places that charge even more. That’s $400,000 per year to 40 kids at one daycare centre. That sounds pretty impressive Doesn’t it?
Take a look at overhead expenses for a childcare center. The cost of rent, utilities, maintenance as well as the cost of materials make up just over one-third of the revenue per year, in average. The result is that there’s around $260,000 in wages. What number of teachers do it require to manage 40 students?
Quite a few. It’s a tough job that demands a lot of labour and the children are unpredictable. They require constant supervision consequently, it’s necessary to have plenty of workers. There must be at least three primary teachers as well as six assistant teachers and one director. The teachers won’t be paid at the top of the list when there’s no money available.
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